Our Generation Fertility physicians provide fertility services helping LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals and family groups to grow their families.
Our Generation Fertility physicians provide fertility services helping LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals and family groups to grow their families.
For the physicians and staff at Generation Fertility, helping LGBTQ2SIA+ family groups and individuals grow their families is at the heart of what we do. Inclusion of all gender and sexually diverse people is an important value of Generation Fertility. We are continuously striving to create an environment of compassionate belonging.
Some ways we strive to ensure all of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are welcome, comfortable, and safe:
Every family building journey is unique, and we are honoured to help you find the best path to create your family.
There are various approaches to treatment, depending on your circumstances. These include: intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor sperm, donor egg, gestational carrier, genetic testing, egg freezing and sperm freezing.
Your Generation Fertility doctor will go over your options with you at your initial consultation. A referral for a consultation covered by MSP can be provided by your family doctor or a walk-in clinic.
AFAB = assigned female at birth
AMAB = assigned male at birth
Generation Fertility is dedicated to helping family groups comprised of individuals, partners or co-parents who are AFAB build their family. In considering AFAB family groups, we are inclusive of those whose genders do not align with their sex assigned at birth, as well as cis-gender women.
The main treatment options for AFAB family groups are intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), including Shared IVF.
Shared IVF for AFAB: Shared IVF involves one partner going through the IVF process to produce eggs, which are then fertilised with a donor’s sperm. The embryo is then implanted into the womb of a second partner who carries the child. This results in one partner being the biological parent while the other is the gestational parent of the child.
Although everyone’s path to parenthood is unique here are some common scenarios:
Generation Fertility is dedicated to helping family groups comprised of individuals, partners or co-parents who are AMAB build their family. In considering AMAB family groups, we are inclusive of those whose genders do not align with their sex assigned at birth, as well as cis-gender men.
The treatment options for AMAB family groups include the help of an egg donor, gestational carrier or surrogate, and in vitro fertilization (IVF) including Shared IVF.
Shared IVF for AMAB: This is a process where half of donor eggs are fertilized with one partner’s sperm and half with the second partner’s sperm. An embryo fertilized from each of the partners is then transferred into the gestational carrier’s uterus.
Although everyone’s path to parenthood is unique here are some common scenarios:
There are several different options for transgender family groups, depending on their situation. These include IUI, IVF, donor egg, donor sperm, gestational carrier and fertility preservation (freezing sperm or eggs).
Although everyone’s path to parenthood is unique here are some common scenarios:
Ready to Book an Appointment?
We look forward to helping you on your path to parenthood. Schedule a consultation today at the Generation Fertility clinic in Vaughan, Newmarket nand Waterloo.